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Self Portrait 

For my self portrait I took 25 to 30 photos. however some of the photos did not turn out great, I had my camera settings wrong I also had the timer set incorrectly witch caused a good amount of the problems. This made me quite frustrated, but I pushed through with these's photos witch I think looked great. Throughout the project I used the school camera, but also my moms camera. Last Friday I captured 2 significant pictures with the sun setting over the highway as my backdrop. I had felt that these pictures had a professional look. The other photos I had taken were at Yosemite National Park, for the good looking shots I used my mothers camera. I used a 9 second timer with my mother also directing me where to stand. I think these were my best photos out of the 25-30 of them. One thing I would do to improve on this project would to spend a little more time fiddling with the timer. One thing I feel I excelled at was the lighting on my camera I personally think that the lighting on all 5 of these photos are just amazing, and I cant wait to do it again. 

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