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Mathias Name-1.png

    How I Created.                       "What's in a Name?"
1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in photoshop. Use complete sentences.​       

So at first i had no idea what i was doing but my friends helped me out and i made this 

2. What are clipping masks? How do they differ from just using the eraser tool in photoshop? How might you use them in the future to create more projects in photoshop?       

A clipping mask is a way to cut out A object or to make A object to pop out. It differs from the eraser because it makes it easier to to cut stuff out instead of accidentally cutting out your face one miss swipe.And i might use this in the future to help put other objects behind others 

3. What was successful in your project? What was unsuccessful and what would you do differently next time to solve this problem?

Something that went successful is that i was able to put a lot of pop outs. Something that did go unsuccessful for a while was trying to make my pop outs not pop out every time i was trying to add a new one

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