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Logo's and Branding

I first started by drawing an idea of what I wanted then I got on my computer and logged into Adobe and began to make my logo I first used the pen tool to draw my S shape for the logo then I went onto the internet and looked up a football helmet then I watched the YouTube video on how to make my name have a different fount them I downloaded the pack and changed the colors to red and black for the school colors then I made some swords cause they looked cool then I made a cutline to prepare for the sticker then went to file and copied my design then I copied the link and I submit it 


A cut line is used to tell a computer how to cut out the sticker and where to this helps it make sure your sticker isn't missing half of it 



Branding is the process of promoting a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design.


I think my project represents a 3 because it is a good idea but I didn't execute it as I wanted I think it deserves a solid 3 

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Mathias Logo-01.png
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