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Mathias Kibler - Book Cover Design Template copy.png

1.The book i redesigned was holes written by Louis Sanchar i choose this book because it was a book and movie i enjoyed watching and reading.
2.The part i decided to use on my book cover was the outside of the camp and the water truck that Stanley crashes.
3.I first started my book design by making a story board. I included the main things i wanted in my book like the hot desert and a shovel representing what the kids were doing all day digging. Then i began the design process as i started by picking out a background that was like a desert i spaced it out to make it look like the whole desert was spreading across the book. After that i began to pick out the objects 
4.What was the easiest and what was the most challenging part of creating your cover?
5. Based on the learning target, "Students will redesign a cover for a famous book that appeals to a modern literacy audience by developing, proposing and refining artistic ideas, plans, prototypes and production processes for media arts productions.  " what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

Mathias Kibler - Cover Mockups.png
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